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Join us for our conference centering the social work professional experience in New York City!

Title: Social Work Practice Across the Professional Life Span: Sharing Our Passion, Purpose and Lessons Learned

Date: Thursday, June 29, 2023 from 9.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.

Register at: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_LM8e3N4mSJyjG_rg8iitRg

Join us as we make and take time to have thoughtful discourse on what it means to be a social worker at all stages of the professional lifespan. This virtual convening is intended to recenter our thinking on our “why” for choosing social work, renewing our energy and sharpening our vision for the impact we wish to have, wherever we are in our careers.

Our presenters include our newest entrants to the profession, our bachelors and masters level social workers graduates, our seasoned alums, and our keynote speaker, Adela M. Rodriguez, LMSW, Mental Hygiene Response Chief – Disaster Mental Health Specialist – NYC DoHMH. Together we will center discussions of our knowledge and use of the personal and professional self, adhering to social work ethics and values in practice, and leading with hope. Please take a moment to register and we look forward to having you join the conversation on June 29th.

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